Making the decision to put your baby up for adoption is an extremely difficult and emotional choice but will give you the opportunity to give your baby a better life and bring joy to a family looking to grow.
When you make the decision to put your baby up for adoption, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to see them again. You have the following options:
Adoption can be a better choice if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes it may feel like abortion is the only solution. You may feel abortion is a quick fix to what may feel like an overwhelming problem. Choosing adoption is not always the easiest choice but it is a choice you can feel good about. It means you were willing to put yourself and your needs aside for the good of your child. It means you choose to hand pick the life you want your child to have even when you knew you cannot provide that life.
Although abortion may seem to be the quick solution it may not be the best solution. Through the years I have talked with many women who have had an abortion and at the time they felt it was the best choice for them. Many of these women regret the decision at some point. Some women feel guilt and regret for the rest of their life after aborting. While I believe every woman should have a choice, I also know first-hand that the abortion decision can haunt a woman for the rest of her life.
Women who have placed a baby for adoption typically say it was one of the hardest decisions they ever made but they rarely regret it. They typically feel good about themselves for making such a selfless choice and they rarely feel guilt.
As you consider the options available to you we are here to help if you would like to make an adoption plan. We will make sure you are cared for during your pregnancy.
Whatever you choose I hope you find the strength and support you need......
Most women who are pregnant and considering adoption have no knowledge or information about the realities of adoption. Often the word adoption can bring up an image of something that is negative.
Unless you have been in this situation before you may not have accurate information about how adoption works and what adoption is today.
Many women that we talk to are surprised to learn that adoption in today’s world adoption can be a quite positive experience for everyone involved. Adoption has changed, gone are the days where the pregnant woman had very little control over the placement of her baby.
Choosing adoption today means you can have many choices regarding how the adoption will work. You will be able to pick the family that you want to adopt your baby. You can meet with them and get to know them prior to the birth and you can choose to have ongoing contact after the birth. You can choose the level of contact that you feel comfortable with. Most adoptive families are happy to share ongoing pictures letters and updates with you. If you want ongoing visits there are families who would love to maintain that level of openness. You get to decide what feels right for you.
You can also receive free services which include, emotional support, free legal services, help with your pregnancy related expenses such as housing, food utilities and maternity clothes. Most every state allows a woman who has chosen adoption to receive financial assistance during her pregnancy. When you begin the adoption process you will be given guidelines on what is allowable in your state.
Hopefully this information will help you make an informed decision as you consider your choices.
We are available 24/7 to answer any questions you have......
5 Essential Steps of How the Adoption Process Works
Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult and confusing. Your mind may be filled with questions and doubts. You are most likely overwhelmed with many feelings and emotions. Many women have stood in the same shoes and experienced the same emotional see-saw. Adoption may be the toughest choice you will ever make in your life. However, giving your baby up for adoption is also the most selfless choice a you may ever make.
Here are 5 basics steps that will help you as you make your choice:
Step 1 – Decide if Adoption is Right for You and Your ChildWhen you initially find out that you are pregnant and it is not planned you may just want a solution or a way out. But do not jump into anything.
Giving up a baby is a life-changing decision, take your time to feel and think before making any decisions.
Although you can change your mind anytime, it is best to make an informed choice before you too far.
Talk to adoption professionals to learn about the different adoption options and to get advice on how to move forward.
They understand what you must be going through and will educate you about the interests of you and your baby without pressure or judgment.
Step 2 – Creating an Adoption Plan
You should be able to create an adoption plan that centers on your individual needs and desires. You may not know all of the choices available to you but with the guidance of a trained adoption professional you will be able to explore all of the options available to you. They can help you explore your needs and preferences and they will help you locate an adoptive family that meets your needs.
You will be able to choose the family and decide how much contact you want with them. You can choose either an open or a closed adoption.
Step 3 – Finding an Adoptive Family
Once you decide that giving your baby up for adoption is the right choice you will be able to choose the family who you want to adopt your baby.
Finding the right family for your baby is the most important part of the adoption process. You will be able to choose from many prescreened waiting families and you will be able to decide who you feel will be the best parents for your child.
If there are specific things you hope for in a family you should be able to outline those needs and find a family that offers exactly what you are looking for.
Step 4 – Getting to Know the Adoptive Family
If you choose an open adoption, you will have the chance to get to know the adoptive parents and you will be able to share your dreams for the baby with them. You can personally see if the family matches your expectations and how they will nurture your child into the kind of person you want. Your meeting with adoptive parents will help you evaluate them and be more confident about your adoption choice
You will be able to decide just how much contact you want with the adoptive family after the birth. There are many levels of openness. Most women want to receive pictures and updates through the years and some want a much more open adoption that includes ongoing visits. It is important that the family you choose shares your desire for contact.
Some families are very open to visits and some are not. If you want ongoing visits it is important to communicate that with the family you choose. Be sure that they are willing to honor that desire.
Step 5 – Preparing for the Hospital Stay
Much like the adoption plan, a pregnant woman always has a say about their hospital stay. The adoption professional that is there to work with you throughout your pregnancy will listen to your needs, and prepare you for your hospital stay. They should help you prepare for all of the feelings and emotions that you may experience. Exploring the possible emotions and preparing before the delivery will make things much easier for you.
You will create a hospital plan and will be able to decide exactly how you want things to go at the hospital.
You can decide if you would like the adoptive parents to be in the room. You will also decide how much or how little contact you want with the baby. Some women want the baby with them and some do not even want to see the baby. Every woman is different and your needs and desires should be honored.
Hopefully, the article has highlighted all important aspects of the complete adoption procedure. In case of further questions about giving up a baby for adoption you can connect with adoption specialist and get the best adoption help.
.....I have worked with thousands of women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. The Women who have chosen adoption have committed to putting themselves aside for 9 months in order to give their baby life.
Some say they feel selfish for choosing adoption. My answer to them is how can putting yourself aside in order to bring a baby into the world and then hand picking the life you want for that child be selfish? I have found the women I work with to be brave, giving and unselfish, wanting their child to have the best from life even if they know they are not the one who can give them that life. So selfish is not a word I would use to describe the choice of giving a baby up for adoption.
Once you have made your choice let go of any guilt or feelings of being a bad person, you are giving your child the greatest gift possible “Life” and you are helping create a family for someone who cannot have a child on their own.
Now how can you use this experience to help improve your life situation? A healthy adoption should be a win- win for everyone involved and that means for you too. Not just for the baby or for the adopting family but this should be a time where you move ahead and correct areas in your life that are not where you need them to be.
You have a choice and the choice is to place the baby and to go back to the same life you have been living or you can use the time to make changes you may be need to make to improve your life going forward.
Steps you can take to turn this pregnancy into a positive time of growth:
I hope you find the strength you need as you move through the months ahead.